Olvera Street Merchant's Traditional Events
Since 1930
Calendar of Events
January 6 - A celebration of the Epiphany of the Magi (visit of the Three Kings) with music and a procession on Olvera Street followed by a colorful theatrical production in the Plaza.
This traditional holiday represents the day the three kings arrive at the nativity with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the baby Jesus. Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar are depicted in a colorful procession commemorating the journey following the star to Bethlehem.
In Mexico and other Latin countries many children receive their Christmas gift on this day. We on Olvera street celebrate this tradition with prizes,free champurado (Mexican traditional chocolate drink) and pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) as well as a Piñata filled with candies for the children to break and enjoy.
For information about current Traditional Events: